Sunday, August 8, 2010

A hug from a Stranger

I was in church this morning, and there was a young man sitting next to me on FIRE for the Lord.... you know how you can just pick that up on people. He was probably my son's age or a few years older (early 20's). He was one of those people you could just SEE carrying that beautiful glowing light of the Lord. He was HAPPY, greeting people, singing with raised hands, praising/worshipping, and praying down on his knees while the rest of us were standing.

At the beginning of the service, when the music stopped, the Pastor always asks us to greet each other.

Normally, I'll turn to the people around me and shake their hands and introduce myself.

Today, this young man sitting next to me turned towards me and I reached out my hand to greet him, and he threw his arms open and said "Gimme a hug!" He gave me a strong, hearty hug!! A hug that makes a person feel good!! A hug that says.... "WE HONOR THE SAME FATHER, AND I LOVE YOU!!!"

It may seem like a simple thing to some, but I was really impressed with him. Boys his age don't like to hug fat old ladies, they seek out the cute young ones to hug... but he was REAL!!! He was SINCERE in his Godly love!!

And after the service, he shook my hand again, introduced himself and asked my name. I told him my name and said "Thanks for that hug, you made my day!" So he gave me another one, and told me 'God Bless You'. And we parted ways.

I'm telling you this, so that you'll know that when you hug someone, they FEEL it!! They know when it's sincere.... so go hug a stranger!!!



  1. How sweet that was. I know what you mean. Hugs are wonderful. I cherish everyone I get.

  2. I hate hugging people~except for ones I really, really like.....but I do not think I am "right" about this...just a little too detached at times.
    Glad you feel so comfortable with the hugging.

  3. You are NOT a fat old lady......LOL...but I've been hugged by strangers and I got the same feeling


  4. Joann, what a wonderful Sunday you sure had...Never to be forgotten and I think probably the most special part is that in the years to come you will think back on this lovely day and the young man, and will never know how often you think back and bless him yet again for that special Hug...
    sending anothet speacial great big HUG your way,
    Love Sybil xxx

  5. I think it is good to have a hug ~ especially when you are in Church ~ glad it made you feel good ~ Ally x

  6. Aww.. Proof that strangers can be true angels unawares---he picked a good person to hug-that is for sure! :) Julie

  7. You know, that is just so cool.. and you are right, most people that age are not that friendly and sincere. Take care Joann.. Hope to see more of you around Blogger. Cuz Im Baaaack! ;)


  8. what an awesome thing to see, Joann. I always love watching people worshiping Jesus their love for him shining through. how sweet with the hug too; sounds like a very special young man indeed!!

    hope you/Chris are doing well :)



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