Sunday, February 15, 2009

Do I know how to keep the boy home or what??

My son came out of his room, "Mom, I'm leaving, going over to Jenna's!"

I said, "I just finished making dinner! Aren't you going to eat first?"

He said, "No, I'll just eat when I come back."

So I opened the lid, with a bowl in hand, I picked up the ladle to serve...

He said, "OOh, wait, what's that... Mmmm, yeah, I'll eat first!"

It was just a simple meal, no big deal, but it's the aroma and the thought of going outside in the cold with a good hot meal in you first, I think.

3 bowls later, he left full and happy.




  1. so cute!! the way to a man's heart is through his stomach they say, LOL! it is cold; when will it warm up??????

    I'll be back soon........


  2. that's funny.. sounds like something I would do... "WHAT FOOD, OKAY! I have a few more minutes.." LOL!

  3. We moms are so slick! I love it ! Linda in WA

  4. Food is one thing that never fails. I had 6 boys and I know how much they can eat for sure.

  5. Three bowls? I need to know what was in that simple bowl of confection, LOL. Glad he stayed!

  6. Hey, good smells will keep most of us home long enough to eat. ;)

  7. That was pretty cool! You must be a good cook. It is fun to have people stop and fill up on the love you put in a meal.

    I don't know if I can 'cook' or not, but everytime I go in the kitchen, whatever I drum up, gets eaten completely! So I can imagine how good it must feel to have stopped your boy and send him out into the world, filled with the love you put into that meal!

    Pehaps you would share the ingredients to the meal? I will try anything at least once!!

  8. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach ~ I think you just proved that :o) ~ would love that recipe ~ Ally x


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