One thing I've looked for and haven't found here, is how to make the font bigger. I'd like everyone to read my blog comfortably without eyestrain... LOL!! Besides bigger is just better, it's expressive, like me!! = )
Well, I'm in my 12th day of the 14-day Phase 1 of the South Beach eating plan. I've done very well, have lost 10 pounds at last check (yesterday morning). And am very encouraged to go on to Phase 2, to keep the control I've gained over my snacking.
One change I will make though, is sugar. I know that's the main key here, but I really am not convinced that any of the artificial sweeteners out there are good for you. So I will continue to have sugar free gelatin snacks (and SF pudding snacks in phase 2) but I will allow myself a very small amount of sugar when I absolutely must (i.e., in coffee - I love the flavored creamers, but not the artificially sweetened ones.), however I am very determined to opt for NO sugar at all in most things. I think I've learned to do ok without any sweetener at all.
Phase 2 allows fruit, so I'm sure that I can substitute an apple or some melon for that fantastic looking chocolate cake someone will SURELY take into work next week, and that will take care of the sweet for me. I CAN BE STRONG!!
Phase 2 is designed to keep me on track until I reach my goal weight, which I think is quite possible, now... if I start falling again, I will start the 14 days of Phase 1 again, to gain the control.
I'm pretty comfortable that this is the plan that will work for me, because sugar is my weakness.... I do eat well, I mean, my main meals are healthful foods. I don't eat fried foods normally, and I don't put salad dressing on my salads, and I never use gravies, thick sauces, or sweets on my food.
It's the snacking and junk food that cause me grief. If I could just stay strong enough to ignore all the goodies around me like I have the last two weeks, I'd be ok... and I CAN!!
I HAVE to have that control... Have to just say NO!! Phase 1 of South Beach has helped me with that these past two weeks, and
(say prayers that) I'll be just as successful on Phase 2 which is for an unspecified amount of time.... but it's ok, I CAN DO THIS!!!
I know the holidays will be harder, but I CAN DO IT!!
Today, I met a friend for and early morning walk and breakfast, I did very well.
This evening I'm going to a friend's birthday party... I know I'll have a glass of wine, but not sure what will be served yet, but I will stay in control... because I CAN!!!
Tomorrow, I'm going to a Tea, but I will fill up on soup, salad, and quiche (without the crust), and leave the goodies alone.... because I CAN!!!
Thanks for all the encouragement I've been getting from you... and know that YOU CAN TOO!!!!