Friday, January 30, 2009

Sorry I haven't been around.....

Good Morning,

I haven't been here much, because I've been on Facebook trying to figure out HOW and WHY I'm accepting all the gifts and things people sent, what does it all mean?.... I opened one and it asked me if I wanted to use PayPal????!!! Others want me to share my info but I don't know who I'm sharing it with. Can anyone out there help clear this up for me?

AND I've been watching American Idol (THREE days this week!!).

Anyway, I will be reading blogs this weekend, so sorry I haven't been visiting, I do miss you all!!

Our 'interim' CBO is leaving today, we have a new CBO and she's wonderful too!! We're SO blessed with management there, recently!!! So anyway, we're having a breakfast for him this morning, but I'll be careful not to overdue it, I HAVE been walking... just starting again, so gotta ease into it. LOL!!! The weather here has been good for walking, a little warm yesterday, but still do-able.

Well, take care, and I'll look for you this weekend, but if I don't see you, ENJOY SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!! I will!!!



  1. Good morning to you, Joann. I've found Facebook to be a major distraction as well, but most of those gifts don't really mean anything - just a demonstration of friendship.

  2. Facebook can be time consuming for sure. Other than accepting an In-N-Out combo I usually just click "IGNORE" because I don't know what they're all about either. Glad things are good at work~that always helps make your time there more pleasant. Have a great weekend...I'm not a sports fan, so probably won't watch the Superbowl.

  3. I've found facebook too confusing and much prefer the journals so I don't go there very often. A few of my friends are on there so I try to check things out once a week or so. Be careful who you accept as a friend.. stick with people you know for starters. 'On Ya'-ma

  4. I ignore most of those gifts, Joann. When I first got on there, Mort advised me to "cherry pick" the ones I wanted and to ignore the rest. One thing I always do, though, is Lil Green Patch, because that saves rain forest footage. Not much, but every little bit counts!

    Enjoy your weekend!
    Hugs, Beth

  5. I haven't quite figured out all those gift things on Facebook either; I'm just going to primarily use it for keeping in touch with friends, know what I mean?

    great that you are back walking! enjoy the weekend :)

    Go Pittsburgh!


  6. Have some facebook patience, you will get the hang of it. Have a great weekend.

  7. my teen thinks that the gift thrown in with a pay pal offer is trying to get you to buy stuff..
    I would be overly cautious Joann
    I would not share my info
    and I would not get involved with strangers would want me to sign up for pay pal..
    have fun with Super Bowl!

  8. I pick and choose my gifts. I only do a few and ignore the rest. It's just a time waster! I do Kidnap however and I love that app!


  10. I think I am on facebook.. .but then again.. maybe I'm not.. :) I never go anywhere after I set something up.. it's just too confusing.. I have enough on my plate without adding other fantasy lives... ha ha. Enjoy the game.

  11. As I said earlier Joann I came off facebook because of some bad reports amongst them the paypal thing...So can't help you..but please take care and never devulge ANYTHING about yourself that you don't mind EVERYONE knowing..Have a good weekend. Hope your weather is good. Ours is getting colder and colder as the hour passes..
    love Sybil xx

  12. I pop on facebook every now and again but not often. Just be careful about sharing info...I got trapped into that and it can't be a good thing, lol.

  13. Hi Joann,
    Gem here..I'm on facebook too! :-) what is your name so I can add you as friend? I just signed up about a week ago and I'm hooked!
    love your playlists did u do that?

    Hope to hear from you and help me add playlists to my blog :-)

  14. I mean, what is the name you use at facebook so i can find you ..:-)

  15. I'm glad to hear from you. I haven't used Facebook enough to help ya there. I use Pay Pal all the time though. It's never gave me a problem. Yes, they do ask for your log in just make sure you are directed to the Pay Pal site.


  16. I've eased up on my time in FB alot lately. It just takes up so much time! It was really addicting at first, not so much now. Good to see you here.


Thanks for stopping by!!